Client Testimonials: Success Stories in Posture Coaching
“I started taking Alexander lessons from Lindsay to find help for my stiff lower back. Over the years I have spent a small fortune on chiropractors, but those treatments didn’t provide long-lasting relief.
The lessons were truly eye-opening for me and I’ve learned to understand my body and habits of using it in ways I didn’t think I never would. Lindsay has a way to explain reasons behind the bad habits understandably. I never paid attention before how I walk or stand and it was amazing to find out that I can relearn to do those very basic things! AT has also helped me to use my body better in my dear hobby, flamenco dance. It’s all about being grounded, but light and open at the same time.
Through Lindsay’s guidance those words actually started making sense. Interestingly, after 10 or so AT lessons several people who hadn’t seen me for a while thought I had lost weight. It was simply the better posture that made me look slimmer and taller! Lindsay is a great teacher who makes the lessons interesting and fun. I can highly recommend her!”
— Katri Touri, Global Accounts Manager (Someone who "spends too much time in front of a computer")
“Improving my posture has been my New Year’s resolution forever. Decades. Like some people perpetually want to lose weight or get in shape, I always pledge to stand up straighter. To stop hunching. So while better posture is one of my deepest desires, my NOT having achieved it before also makes it something I’m scared to try. What if I take a class and it doesn’t work for me? Will I be confirming that it’s a hopeless goal?
Through Lindsay’s classess, I’ve had breakthroughs! It is possible to improve. I’m learning that this is a process. It takes time. There’s not a quick fix – at least not for me – but there is a slow and steady fix, one that comes from both attention to my body and engaging my brain.
The approach that this is an intellectual exercise as much as a physical exercise really works. I’ve never been overly sporty or athletic, but I have always been really good at school. So working on my posture and movement in a somewhat more intellectual way as well as physical feels much better and more doable.
What I like most about these classes is the safety. For a group of strangers meeting online, this very quickly became a safe and comfortable place. When the other women talk about what they are experiencing, I relate. I’m discovering compassion for myself in a new way through my connection with them.
Also, having a dedicated time to meet – an appointment on my calendar – means I actually do it. Good intentions are too often just that, intentions. Having a committed time when Lindsay and the others will be on the Zoom makes it real. And makes it actually happen.
I find myself thinking about our topics, such as posture and poise, much more often. The class keeps these top of mind. The classes aren’t about big crazy movements or holding an uncomfortable position. They’re focused on practical, everyday ways to move. Lindsay keeps us thinking about how these skills are transferrable to many, many situations beyond the class.
These classes are perfect for busy working professionals — frequent enough to be valuable, but also not too intense. Intense enough, but never uncomfortable. Lindsay meets you where you are at. There’s no shame involved. ”
— Carol M.
“I met Lindsay because I was looking to make a more transformative change. I was already doing a lot of yoga and pilates, I even did a couple of desk ergonomic sessions at work, but the reality was, I was still slouching at my desk, looking at my phone for hours and suffering from neck and back pain. It felt like I could not do two things at once, I could either think of my posture, or think of work, and all in all I didn’t really know what a “good posture” was. I definitely didn’t know what it should feel like.
I did a group workshop, a couple of individual sessions and I felt an incredible difference. I think I won 20% of my energy back, just because I started “doing less” to have a “good posture”. I immediately felt lighter and better.”
— Joanna Podgorska, Google
“I hadn’t known this would be an effect of what I was thinking of as a “physical” therapy, but my class also helped me figure out various ways my posture and modes of carrying myself were impacting my professional and personal life. I sit and stand much more confidently now, speak more calmly and authoritatively in public settings, and generally feel healthier and more attractive (I can see myself looking different in photos). It’s amazing what just a few sessions could do but Lindsay has really honed a technique that, while being totally concrete and matter-of-fact, teaches deep physical and emotional lessons. I have sent multiple friends to her for help with everything from foot pain to social anxiety, and I can’t recommend her more.
Taking Lindsay’s group class also solved a long-term problem I was having with periodic extremely painful spasms in my neck, due to working at a desk all day. I’d really given up on these episodes ever going away. The work didn’t make the issue disappear entirely, but it made me able to recognize when an episode was coming so that I could focus on my posture in the ways I’d been taught and stave off a serious problem. I have not been in any kind of back or neck pain — more than those warning twinges — since I took the class over a year ago. ”
— Katie T.
“My initial impetus for trying the Alexander Technique at age 41, was to address discomfort in my lower back caused by a herniated disk. I had tried several other approaches that didn’t help and when I turned to a spine doctor she recommended the technique to me. I’m not one of those people who’s always experiencing “miracles,” but I walked out of that first Alexander lesson nine years ago with half my back pain gone, and all of it gone after one or two more lessons. The principles of the technique make intuitive sense to me and my own experience confirms it. I used to question how good posture could be good for me — it was so uncomfortable that I always ended up slumping again, but now I know that truly good posture is actually pretty effortless.
Lindsay brings a seriousness of purpose to her work, she is quick to provide me with strategies that work when small pains arise, and she has a gift for finding the right words and metaphors to help me internalize the technique’s principles.” ”
— David Barnes, Public Health Researcher
“I took [classes] to help me to be able to stand and breathe better, especially in front of classrooms of students (something that gives me tremendous anxiety but is part of my job). I feel more confident and truly feel like I am breathing in a way I never have before, very fully. And my posture is better. I can sense when I am slouching and have a little trick to correct that. This has given me more confidence and I have been more at ease in the classroom and in presentations. It has made a huge difference in how I feel and how I am received. ”
— Rosemary Taylor, Postdoctoral Fellow/Visiting Assistant Professor at The Graduate Center, CUNY
“I wanted to understand why I felt so different after a class, even though I didn’t have to work up a sweat, lift weights, or get out of breath.
I’ve never heard Lindsay say “stand up straight!”—which is what many people expect to hear in a class about the way to hold your body! And I loved her definition of “slouching backwards.” That’s when you try to stand up straight by forcing your shoulders all the way back—which is painful! And therefore temporary.
The group classes are very well designed and thought out. I always learned a lot from the other students.
Sometimes someone can tell you that you’re doing this or that when you stand or sit, but you don’t see it in yourself until you see it in someone else. Then you think, “ah-hah!!” —not in a judgmental way, but one of self-awareness.
I never felt that any one person was getting more or less attention than anyone else. I never left feeling that I didn’t get to say what I wanted to say. The class was so well organized and the people in it were so interesting that it never felt boring.”
— Oona Short, Writer
“As an actor being able to take on the shape of a character is very important. I have found that working an office job or even spending hours at a computer on creative projects has created habits and patterns in my body which not only cause me discomfort but also inhibit my physical possibilities as a performer. Working with Lindsay has not only helped me move with less pain and more freedom but has also given me greater physical range on stage.”
— Elizabeth Alice Murray, Actor and FilmmakerQuote Source
“I started going to Lindsay for Alexander Technique lessons because of arm and back problems that were affecting my ability to do my work. After one lesson, I was convinced. The pain relief was remarkable, and the lessons themselves were a wonderful therapeutic experience. But the Alexander Technique is so much more than that, so much more than just a method for relieving pain and relaxing stressed muscles and tendons. It is a way of readjusting your body to move through daily life with less physical tension and discomfort. In the time I’ve been going to Lindsay, the techniques she’s taught me have helped me stabilize and center myself, to the extent that I feel confident saying that I am much happier and healthier in both mind and body then I was when I started lessons. Simply put, the more lessons I take, the better I feel - both physically and mentally - on a daily basis, which is a phenomenal thing. I would recommend Lindsay without hesitation to absolutely anyone.”
— Sam Hellman, Software Developer
“Since I began practicing Iyengar yoga nine months ago, my previous exposure to the Alexander Technique has both informed and strengthened my practice. The Alexander technique taught me first and foremost the power of mental focus to change how the body moves. The intensity is in the mental focus and not in the effort of the body. Iyengar yoga, on the other hand, requires a great degree of disciplined physical effort and the new practitioner can be easily too caught up in that effort.
Using the Alexander Technique gave me a way to underpin the physical effort with mentally visualizing what I was asking my body to do. The mind and body were working together in mutual support.”
— Mary Russell
“I began seeing Lindsay Newitter when I was approximately 3 months pregnant and had begun experiencing periodic sharp pains in my lower back. After a couple of weeks the pains went away and only returned when I could not see Lindsay for a few weeks here and there.
I then saw her weekly from my 28th week through the end of my pregnancy and from that point on I remained pain free. Lindsay provided me with specific strategies for picking up items, standing, sitting, and walking that I was able to use throughout my pregnancy that definitely changed the way I moved and carried myself throughout the week. I continue to use these strategies now that I am picking up and carrying around a heavy, and growing heavier, baby.
In addition, Lindsay’s application of the Alexander Technique during our sessions left me feeling lighter and more together than I would have imagined possible during my pregnancy. In addition to her experience as an Alexander Technique practitioner and teacher, her own pregnancies have provided her with an important perspective for working with pregnant women. I highly recommend Lindsay to pregnant women who are seeking an Alexander Technique teacher to prevent or lessen back pain.”
— Krista Olson, Healthcare Administrator
“My idea of “good posture” has changed after taking Lindsay’s group class. When you think that you have to force your body or control it, you’re probably further away from “good posture” than you think you are. You shouldn’t have to think about posture constantly. It should be something that your body is in control of, not you. I love that this is a technique that creates long term results. It’s not something that you go in to get “adjusted”. With this process you can begin to depend on yourself and how you treat and work with your body.”
— -Rachel Zapata, Actor
“In my daily life, Alexander technique has helped me immensely. I now have a whole lot more internal space which has improved my digestion, voice, self confidence and self awareness. I have more energy and more ability to breathe through challenging situations. Alexander has helped me on my journey to learn to relax. have not had to have a massage since I started studying Alexander Technique. I feel like it has helped restore my body to a more neutral state. I love the constant progress and information that it provides both from Lindsay and internally.””
— Anna-Louise Herzog, Actor, Dancer, Model
The Posture Police
The first step to good posture is to stop standing up straight. Learn to maintain comfortable, good posture with the Alexander Technique.
Lessons and classes in New York City with AmSAT Certified Alexander Technique Instructor, Lindsay Newitter.
Reduce back, neck and shoulder pain, sit more comfortably at your desk and learn to use technology without pain, feel more confident, stay fit without injury, lessen the effects of scoliosis, manage stress, avoid pregnancy related strain, and improve your well-being in general.