Tired? Slouching? 5 Ways to Help Your Posture


Do you ever feel tired and stressed and then you start to slouch?

Especially on the computer...

And so you pull your shoulders back and try to sit up straighter only to find you're slouching again a minute later?

Fatigue isn't the only reason for slouching, but it often makes it worse.

So what do you do if you don't have time to take a nap, you're stressed trying to finish something by a deadline, or you're at the office and it's just not possible?

Here are some tips for how to save your posture when you're tired:

1) Don't fight the slouch. It seems to be common understanding these days that slouching is to be avoided at all costs. I'm not saying that it's good, but trying really hard to hold yourself up isn't good either. It will probably make you feel stiff, short of breath, uncomfortable, and more tired...and then you might want to slouch even more. Let yourself slouch just a little and think of being internally expansive within the slouch.

2) Sit back. Are you trying to sit on the edge of your seat or are you leaning on your desk? Pull your chair closer to the desk. Move the screen closer, if you can, and lean back in your chair as you work. Relax onto the chair and let it support you. Sit all the way back and don't slide.

3) Get up and move. Even if it's just to go to the break room and back. I'm sure you've thought of this, but sometimes it's hard to actually do. You might need a reminder...an alarm, notification, or a buddy to take scheduled breaks with.

4) Maintain a soft focus. Trying to hard to concentrate, which might be more likely to happen when you're tired or stresses can lead to more tension and strain in the body, especially the neck and shoulders. When you look at your screen, think of letting what you see on your screen come to you rather than going toward it.

5) Take a rest and tune in to your body. If you can take a 10-minute break, try one of my audio guides sitting or lying down. If you work from home, why not lie down? Click here for my sitting guide, and here for my lying down guide.

Don’t let fatigue dictate your posture! Explore our Free Training 'The Hidden Reason Why You Struggle To Fix Your Posture' for insights into maintaining balance and comfort.

Want to learn more? Check out information on my upcoming classes and private lessons.