Posture and Communication Workshop - 15 Reasons This Workshop Could Be For You

Would you like to gain new tools to feel more poised and confident while just about any situation?

Women have been asking me exactly who this workshop is for and what they should expect to get out of it. 

Check out these 15 different reasons to take a Posture Under Pressure workshop...and find out if it's for you

1.  You are passionate about something and you want that passion to be infectious when you talk about it.

2.  You want to put your best foot forward at your next job interview.

3. You're an introvert and generally feel uncomfortable socializing in groups or meeting new people.

4.  You're a presenter or teacher and you'd like to make a better connection with your audience/students.

5.  You have an intense fear of public speaking.

6.  You don't have an intense fear of public speaking, but you'd like to feel more comfortable and less stressed doing it.

7.  You'd like to feel more energized and less exhausted after a day when you are interacting with a lot of friends, family, or co-workers.

8.  You're an energetic extrovert and love to talk, but would like to work on slowing down, conserving your energy, and becoming a better listener.

9.  You feel like you loose yourself when your having a conversation and become completely absorbed by other person.

10.  You often feel self-conscious or nervous when speaking with others.

11.  You're totally unaware of your body language and posture when you're speaking.

12.  You're aware of your body language and posture, but have no idea how to change it.

13.  You're often short of breath when you speak.

14.  You rush when you speak to make sure you get to say everything you want to say.

15.  You'd like simple tools for recharging during/after an over-stimulating day.

Whether you relate to one, five or all of the above points, this workshop can help you figure out how to come across the way you'd like to and have more rewarding interactions in all sorts of situations.

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