Working from Home?

I hope that you and your families, friends, and loved ones are all safe and manging as best you can.  Day to day life has shifted pretty dramatically over the past week and as I'm managing things for myself and my family and figuring out what the next steps are, I was thinking about what's one way I could help most during this time...and I actually came up with 2 things...

1. Posture in a home work enviroment - Some people work from home often, but not a lot of people might be working from home who may not usually and may not be set up to in a way that supports good posture.

2.  Stress - As an Alexander Technique teacher, I find that the techinque is one of the most useful tools I've ever come across for dealing with stress.  In fact, improving posture and learning to handle stress better can be viewed as one in the same.

In the span of a week, I have fully moved my practice online as things have been shutting down along with the studio in Manhattan where I teach in-person lessons.

I've enjoyed working with folks online for the past few years...something I decided to offer with growing interest from outside of nyc.  It's certainly different, since all cues are verbal and visual.  The principles are the same.  The benefits unique.  

Most of what I typically offer (both private lessons and group classes) are now available online.  You can get an overveiw here.  

Next Tuesday, 3/24, I'll be offering a FREE one-hour online class on posture & reducing stress in your home workspace, which will cover:

  • How to set up a workspace or workspaces in your home environment to encourage good posture and changing position.

  • Cues to maintain awareness of your posture, movement, and breathing throughout the day

  • Simple exercises that you can do when taking a break

  • Tools for dealing with stress and restlessness

  • You’ll also receive a recording of the class for future reference

Visit this page to reserve your seat.  If you need assistance with setting up Zoom, reply to this email.  Also, email me your questions after you register!  That helps me tailor the class to you!