Walk with Better Posture

Bonjour from the French countryside where there are lots of sheep, donkeys, and other 4-legged creatures walking around. 

This week's video is about how we as 2-legged beings can walk and not mess up our posture.

The first "step" to better walking actually isn't about how you step.  It has to do with what is unique to us bi-pedal folk...

Our heads are on top of our bodies, they're heavy, and they have a major influence on our posture when we walk.

In the video, I talk about...

  • Common ways that heads get in the way of good walking

  • Simple tips for keeping your head balanced and your eyes looking ahead.

  • Benefits of sensing the ground.

The common theme of each Power Pause video is how to pause in order to become more conscious of your habits and make different movement and postural choices.

Check out the walking video below and learn more about my classes and 1:1 sessions in the menu above if you’d like to learn more!